6 Digital Marketing Trends In 2019 To Be Aware Of

When it comes to promoting your business, keeping track of the latest developments in the world of digital marketing could never be more important. With that in mind, here are six trends to look out for in 2019:

1. Chatbots

As significant advances in AI and machine learning continue, we can expect to see ChatBot becoming more widespread in the coming months. To get ahead of their competitors, many businesses are already investing in the creation of chatbots and scripts for their brands. Having a live chat box on a website can be the difference between a lost customer and a new sale. Chatbots can be especially helpful for businesses in the food delivery industry.

2. Less TV

The latest data projections show that the average number of hours spent on the internet each day will surpass the average numbers of hours spent watching TV each day before the end of the year. This means that businesses may need to rethink their investment in televisions ads and start devoting more of their digital marketing budget to online video ads.

3. Online Video Content

Today’s internet users are hungry for video content thanks to better connection speeds and unlimited data packages. As a result, online businesses need to start creating video content for their websites and social media accounts as part of any effective digital marketing campaign. One of the great things about video content is that it lends its self to organic sharing on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Video content can be expensive to produce, but businesses need to know that they don’t have to create long-duration content. Short 15-sec clips often go viral online. Bay Area digital marketing agencies have been utilizing this strategy more and more since the emergence of giant video websites like Youtube, and this trend should continue into the future.

4. Live Internet Video

While all types of online video content are increasing in popularity, live streams have seen massive growth in viewing figures in recent years. Digital marketers should seriously consider buying ads during live streams, and sponsorships with YouTube live streaming influencers.

5. Smart Speakers

Smart speakers like Apple HomePod, Google Home and Amazon Alexa have started to become more popular as consumers embrace internet-connected, voice-controlled AI assistants. It is expected that companies will make it easier to buy and sell audio ads, so forward-looking digital marketers need to start making sure their website content is optimized for voice searches and playback.

6. Social Media Integration

Social media platforms currently play a massive role in effective internet marketing. In the coming months, platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are going to become more and more integrated into third-party apps, devices and appliances. Consequently, businesses need to make sure they don’t neglect their reputation and visibility on the web’s top social media platforms.

3 Digital Marketing Strategies to Help Your Business Grow

Businesses that are not using digital marketing need to realize its importance. Digital marketing is meant to help a business to thrive in today’s competitive world and make a mark.  New businesses are finding it hard to implement digital marketing because it seems confusing as well as intimidating because they are not aware of the right tactics to use.

As a business owner, you need to be aware of the various digital marketing tactics before getting involved with this online platform. The best thing is understanding the skills and tactics used in digital marketing is not difficult. Most of the businesses practicing digital marketing have witnessed huge levels of success.

Below are the digital marketing strategies to help your business grow:

Establish a strong social media presence

Social media is continually growing now and then. Social media is often regarded as one of the most powerful marketing tools. Many businesses have witnessed an increase in their client base through social media networks like Facebook. Interacting with clients online may seem futile but in today’s world its a must to build a huge following. With a simple click of a button, you are able to engage millions of customers.

Social Media also provides access to relevant customer feedback and facilitates communication with your potential customers. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more others provide the opportunity to share messages directly with other businesses and customers.

Leveraging influencers is one of the best ways to boost the visibility of your business and attain more value from social media networks. It requires time and patience to build a devoted audience. If you are a beginner making use of influencers is one of the fastest ways to increase the number of your followers. The secret is to identify influencers followed by your potential customers.  Here is some help in using social media for your business.

Set Up a Blog and Update It Frequently

Blogs have been largely used by many businesses and companies over the past years as a result of search engine optimization benefits they offer as well as the information benefits they offer to visitors. A blog can provide equal possibilities to both big and small businesses to compete favorably.

The more you post new content/information, the higher the possibility of the blog generating more traffic. Blogs posts are meant to inform, educate and also entertain the visitors while letting them know more about your product and services.

Search Engine Marketing

SEM which stands for search engine marketing comprises of paid advertisements on search engines to enhance the visibility of your business to potential customers based on the search results. Some of these methods include Pay Per Click(PPC), Cost Per Click (CPC) as well as Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)
and also the paid search ads.

Common Misconceptions About Digital Marketing

Like everything else in the world, digital marketing field has also a number of misconceptions associated with it. There is little or nothing that can be done to overturn these myths, what can only be done is clarification.

Here are the common misconceptions about digital marketing:

Digital Marketing is Expensive

Digital marketing is less costly when compared to traditional marketing such as brochures, TV, and print advertisements. Traditional marketing involves additional costs such as printing and distribution. But in digital marketing, you only require a laptop and stable internet connection. Digital marketing can have wider coverage at little or no cost.

Digital Marketing is Too Complicated

Digital marketing may seem overwhelming to the novice users because there are a variety of platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter among others and branches like SEO, influencer marketing as well as email marketing. Once you gain knowledge of their working principles, it becomes easier to apply them. However, it’s important you have a better understanding of each one of them and what are the best online digital marketing courses to get started with.

Digital Marketing is Time-Consuming

This is the era of speed and technology. Everything requires to be done quickly and in real time. Digital marketing provides room for you to do so. You can post content and indicate the time the message should take to reach your target audience. Traditional marketing is tedious because it takes a lot of time to connect with the target audience it may be days or weeks. Furthermore, digital marketing provides you with numerous tools which enables you to obtain notifications or reminders on time, so in reality, you don’t have to spend a lot of time.

Digital Marketing Brings Brand Image Down

Digital marketing is meant to enhance the visibility of your business. It is a powerful tool meant to inform people about your product and services across the globe. There are times when customers may leave negative reviews or comments, but you don’t have to worry as long as your product and customer service are perfect. You need to respond competently to every comment posted online and address client grievances immediately.

Digital Marketing is Only for Large Businesses

Digital marketing is suited for all types of business whether big or small. It’s well suited for small business because they have a limited budget as well as resources. Digital marketing can provide a platform for small businesses to contact and interact with customers across the globe. You can begin by selling online even though you don’t have a physical shop.